King Thutmose I - Royal Mummies

King Thutmose I

King Thutmose I
King Thutmose I
One of the 22 royal mummies being transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is that of King Thutmose I, Dynasty 18, New Kingdom.
Thutmose I became king after Amenhotep I died without an heir. He came to the throne around the age of 40.
His accomplishments included substantial campaigns and the expansion of Egyptian rule in the south. His military campaigns opened new opportunities for trade, diplomacy, and economic exploitation with Egypt’s neighbors.
King Thutmose, I was the father of Queen Hatshepsut. 
His mummy was discovered in the Deir el-Bahari Cache (TT 320), west of Luxor in 1881.
Stay tuned for the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade on April 3


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