King Ramses IX - Royal Mummies

King Ramses IX

King Ramses IX - Royal Mummies
King Ramses IX - Royal Mummies
The eighth king of the 20th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Ramses IX was the grandson of Ramses III.
His principal contributions were to the Sun Temple in Heliopolis; he also decorated the north wall of the Seventh Pylon of the complex of Amun-Re at Karnak.
The original burial place of Ramses IX, a beautifully painted tomb that still retains its colors today, was KV 6; his mummy was moved several times before it was hidden in the Deir el-Bahari cache, where it was discovered in 1881.
His mummy will be transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization on April 3.


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