King Amenhotep I - Royal Mummies

King Amenhotep I

King Amenhotep I - Royal Mummies
King Amenhotep I - Royal Mummies
The second pharaoh of  Dynasty 18, Amenhotep I was a child when he became king and ruled with the assistance of his mother, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari.
Amenhotep I led several military campaigns. He also began or completed many construction projects. Remembered as a great ruler, he was deified after his death alongside his mother.
The mummy of King Amenhotep I was discovered in the Deir el-Bahari Cache (TT 320), west of Luxor in 1881.
It will be among 22 royal mummies transferred in a grand parade from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
Wait for the Pharaoh’s Golden Parade on April 3, 2021


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