Transfer Royal Mummies to Civilization Museum - Royal Mummies

The Pharaohs Golden Parade

Transfer Royal Mummies
Transfer Royal Mummies
In a historical event, 22 Royal Mummies will be transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat in April 2021.
22 mummies, including 18 mummies of kings, and 4 mummies of queens, will be transferred in this unrivaled parade; the mummies :
  1. King Ramses II.
  2. King Seqnen Ra Taa.
  3. Tuthmosis III.
  4. King Seti I.
  5. Queen Hatshepsut.
  6. Queen Meritamun, wife of King Amenhotep.
  7. Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, wife of King Ahmose.
Watch the unrivaled Pharaohs’ Golden Parade live on our two Youtube channels :
  • Ministry_Tourism_Antiquities.
  • Experience Egypt.
Many important figures from around the world will participate in this celebration.
In the same context, the new museum is equipped with the latest means of display and technology that make the visitor see the antiquities as if he were in Luxor
The halls are also designed by starting means that protect the mummies from damage.


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