King Ramses III - Royal Mummies

King Ramses III

King Ramses III - Royal Mummies
King Ramses III - Royal Mummies
‏Considered the last of the great "warrior pharaohs" of the New Kingdom, Ramses III fought many notable battles and is remembered as skilled in the art of warfare.
Despite his great victories and accomplishments, he fell victim to a plot devised by a minor wife, Tiye, to put her son Pentawer on the throne.
Several papyri tell of this "harem conspiracy" to kill the king, which involved various officers, members of the royal harem, and high court officials.
CT scans carried out by the Egyptian Mummy Project showed clearly that the king’s throat had been cut from behind.
Perhaps to make sure that the king would be healed and complete in the afterlife, an eye of Horus amulet was placed on the right lower rim of the wound. 
The Mummy of the king was discovered in the Deir el-Bahari Cache (TT 320), west of Luxor in 1881, and will be transferred with 22 royal mummies in The Pharaohs’ Golden parade from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of the Egyptian Civilization.


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